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Well, I haven't been around since the beginning, but you sure do know how to make someone feel welcome! I'd been online for years, but I was a chat virgin when I found the GBs! But, ya know, I just had to join in all the fun, *ahem* andlearning! Thank you for all you've done by allowing us the opportunity to get together and become friends.
~ Rhonda

Hey Rae, is your baby really a year old already!?  Lord, time does fly--as they say-- when you're having fun eh. Seems like only yesterday that we found the boards and formed that small circle of CC eh?  And it been YEARS now! Lord that ages me!  It's been fun being a part of Gonna Beez! And what a fabulous name-- cause every time I see that Gonna Beez logo in my email I'm reminded that we're all gonna be, so much more positive that than little evil" maybe" that's leaps to mind!  LOL
Kolette AKA ( Orabella & Chokolette)

Rae, I know that I'm not strictly a 'Gonna' Bee, but one of the best things in the last year for me has being able to have Honorary Membership of this very special group that you started. It's not just a writing circle, or a critique group, or a support mechanism, it's all of those - and more. But most of all it's a very very special sort of friendship - actually, I think a sisterhood describes it perfectly. I've loved sharing it with you all, and Rae, to you personally I just want to say that I wish that when I really was a Gonnabee that there had been someone like you around to create this sort of sisterhood for me to share in then. Happy First Anniversary of the Beez - and here's to many more -  hopefully with even more of you joining the ranks of the 'pubs'.
Love, Kate

Rae, Words do not come close to how I feel about the Gonna-beez. What you have created here is nothing short of a miricle for me. Last year I decided to try my hand at serious writing. I hit the internet and was lucky to find a place that was just perfect. The things I've learned from you and my fellow Gonna-beez has made me not only a better writer but a better person as well. Your creation is a place of information and a cradle of friendship. You are a very special person. You work so hard for us and I know we don't tell you enough. I am proud to be one of your Gonna-beezs and honored to count you as a friend.

Thank you so much for all you do. Congratulations on your one year anniversary of the Beez.

I wish much happiness and many blessings upon you.

Your Friend and Fellow Bee
Sharlene Apsega

Rae, so many people look around and say, "You know, it would be nice if someone did this or that," and go no further.  You refused to sit back waiting for things to happen, and started the Gonna-Beez, creating something very special for all of us.  Rae, there are no words to express my thanks to you for your guidance in the last year.

We owe an awful lot to Rae's hard work and commitment (and yes, to the meanie face!).  Gonna-Beez exists because of Rae, and because of Rae we wannabee/gonnabee writers have a home.  And such a lovely home, too.  Words like these are inadequate to recognize the service Rae has performed for us.  Thank you Rae.

Rae, I don't have a clue what I did with my time before finding the beez. Now I get to laugh so hard I herniate myself, occasionally cry, but always know there are people out there who share this same writing psychosis and understand what a wild ride it is. So thank you for starting the GBs, for all you do, and mostly for being who you are.
Love you, sweetheart, Wax

Dear Rae, how exciting for all of us to be able to celebrate this with you! I'm thrilled by the way this group has evolved even in the short time I've been here. You sure have raise your "baby" right :) More personally, you are a terrific friend and a cheerleader I am glad to have on my team. Thank you for the friendship, leadership and guidance.

Rae is that unbeatable combo - she's frank, she's friendly, wildly wacky at times and introspective at others. Raecy, you didn't just create gonna-beez, you truly breathed life into it. Here's to your dreams, girl - may they flower and flourish as GB has.

What? You expected BT's? *g* Rae, I wanted this page to emphasize the community spirit that you have worked so hard to foster, and to which each of the Beez contributes. Here's to many more years together!

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